Friday, June 19, 2015

My Last Email & New Adventures

I've been a little busy, focusing on learning, growing as a professional, interviewing and ultimately getting an amazing new position as an Intern Principal in Petaluma City Schools. Below is my final email to classroom families. It was my way of saying, 'thank you', reflecting and acknowledging the hard work that each child took part in throughout the year. I may or may not have shed a tear while writing...

What a wild ride. A huge thank you to Jessica and all the families who helped make today happen, but also for helping to make all the days even more bright for the kids. Field trip drivers and chaperons, volunteers, general helpful people and coffee bringers helped make our class a very special place. 

A few reoccurring thoughts came up during our last appreciation circle: 
1. The kids liked being pushed academically, with Maker and Project Based Learning.
2. They really appreciated each other for "being there for me" and "being helpful when I needed help". There was an overwhelmingly strong sense of community.
3. Many kids mentioned they were grateful for their families. 

Evie said it well when she said that, "It just doesn't seem like it's over." A few tears were shed (me), but for this group of kids, it's not over. Learning never takes a summer vacation. Just because it's break, learning doesn't stop, it's just another day in June. Stay curious, always. 

I mentioned that this group of children were the testers, rather than kids that were tested upon. Each child had the chance to test the curriculum, test how they learned, how they thought about challenges and how they worked with each other. They are beta-testers, always excited to ideate with post-its and move along to the next big idea. They are an action-biased group, not over thinking a problem or solution, but ready to try and fail, learn and move on. "Done is better than perfect" became a montra in the classroom. 

This is a special group of children who need to nudge future teachers and ask, "When is our first Maker time? What about PBL? When do we get to collaborate with another classroom??" I've been sharing with the kids all year that I think education is ok, but it needs to get better. This is where the kids come into play. They get to be the change agents. I'm going to let Dr. Seuss drive home the point better than I can- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." (The Lorax) 

Thank you for all the love, support, smiles, tears and hugs. 
This class was incredibly special to me and each other. They taught me to "fail up", practice compassion each minute of the day, focus on growing as a learner and to really enjoy and love what I do. 

#teamkid #studentfirst #petk12